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I think a lot about the top NYT editor who I told that historians were warning we're in a period similar to the ramp up to the Holocaust and maybe we could look back and see what NYT had done wrong to not repeat mistakes. He shrugged - NYT didn't really cover the Holocaust

nxggas was mad at me when i said Will shoulda slapped chris a few more times & a lil harder, now look at y'all

Weekly review of Symfony and PHP development news. 3/03/23

This highlights post originally appeared as a communiqué on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Highlights. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy. We also cover the cybersecurity world and the Fediverse.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

Thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

A significant proportion of the content we curate is on Medium. I highly recommend investing in a membership to access all the articles you want to read. It's a small investment that can boost your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony. Highlight -> “This week, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version experienced an intense development activity to finish many new features such as: adding a remember me option for JSON logins, allowing to trim parameters in XML config files, introducing a new Exclude attribute, allowing to define the batch size in Messenger component and allowing to extend the Autowire attribute.“

A Week of Symfony #843 (20-26 February 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyOnline June 2023 - Submit you paper until March 6th!

Blackfire has:

Blackfire, a complete observability solution

This Week

Anton Lytvynov has three good items:

Symfony 6 and PHP 8: A Promising Future for Web Application Development

Creating Custom Web Applications with Symfony 6 and Php 8: A Step-by-Step Guide

Symfony vs. Other Web Frameworks: A Comprehensive Comparison

There’s not much new here information-wise, but some exciting graphics make viewing worthwhile.

Filip Horvat shows us how to:

Set up framework for testing security in API Platform (Symfony)


Lemberg Solutions looks at:

Drupal Commerce + SAP Integration: Solutions and Benefits


André Laugks shows us how to:

Use XInclude to organize Content elements in Page templates in Sulu

Hurray, a Sulu CMS piece.

Opensource examines:

3 myths about open source CMS platforms

Matt Glaman wants us to:

Check out the "Drupal at your fingertips" developer reference guide

Very helpful.

Evolving Web shares:

Hands-On With Drupal 10: Discover the Best Modules Through Project Browser

Axelerant looks at:

How Acquia DXP Is Empowering Businesses To Design Digital Experiences

Speaking of Acquia, it and Drupal’s founder, Dries Buytaert opines on:

Artificial Intelligence, the future of Content Management and the Web

He’s much more optimistic than I am.

Previous Weeks

Specbee explores:

Taming JavaScript in Drupal (Includes FAQs)

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This Week

Tomasz Dobrowolski has two articles for us:

9 Essential PHPStorm Shortcuts That Will Skyrocket Your Productivity as a PHP Developer

7 Concepts Every PHP Developer Must Understand To Succeed

Outstanding stuff here.

Florian Bauer shares the cogent point that PHP needs better marketing.

Why PHP should be renamed to HypeScript

php[architect] examines:

Serializing Data In PHP

And on a related note, Veshraj Ghimire explores a:

Deserialization Disaster in PHP

Lukasz explores:

Asynchronous PHP

This is an interesting article, as he is not discussing threads.

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Bleeping Computer reports on:

White House releases new U.S. national cybersecurity strategy

Hackernoon reports:

Network Detection and Response: the Future of Cybersecurity

Portswigger reports:

NIST plots biggest ever reform of Cybersecurity Framework

GovTech reports:

Feds Push Local Election Officials to Boost Security Ahead of 2024


Jens Oliver Meiert maintains this handy tool.

HTML Elements Index

Spicyweb points out the obvious:

The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era

JS frontend frameworks are bullshit.

KD Nuggets shares:

SQL Query Optimization Techniques


Andy Piper has:

Thoughts on Dev Rel in the post-Twitter era

There is big news this week from Flipboard.

Via TechCrunch:

Flipboard joins the Fediverse with a Mastodon integration and community, plans for ActivityPub

Here’s the official announcement.

The Future of Flipboard Is Federated

So, if you are on Flipboard but not Mastodon, now is the time to join.

And follow us on Flipboard to get an idea of what will be in next week’s communiqué.

The Verge reports:

Mozilla thinks Mastodon could be the next HTTP


Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

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Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

The Democrats and some corporate journalists are feeding narratives that will only end in fascism. This was entirely avoidable by following either scientific evidence or local democracy for DC, but Biden chose to reject both. Instead, he validated fear and misinformation.


An Alabama youth girls' basketball team told they would lose their practice facility unless they agreed to play in a boys league was denied the championship trophy, despite winning the whole thing…

That part when Ellie killed Joel was wild!

This never happens in the game.

@mike_hudy yea the deeper radicalness of Christ is so wild that it gets *immediately* misinterpreted upon contact with mainstream social reality

@visakanv This is a good point & any analysis of the Jesus bit shows it was expressly centered around NOT power or Wins. Be meek, turn cheek, wash feet, service, sacrifice, etc. People rejected BECAUSE no wins lol. Its all anti-ego 4 the collective. God as genie or favorer is so low vision

of course this move works up until the point it doesn’t, when the Mandate of Heaven is taken from you, and now you are wretched and forsaken etc

best not to mess with it in the first place imo

but there are lesser forms of this that are in the same spirit that don’t require malicious action. “I am favoured by god, hence I am so beloved, so strong, so healthy, so cheerful and joyous in disposition,” etc. you can imply this strongly without saying it directly

one of the most extreme forms of this is The Genghis: “if you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you”

using god or some higher power to explain/justify your successes is one of the most powerful status moves available to people. it kinda makes me sick to think about how powerful it is, and how susceptible people are to it

One of the biggest obstacles to changing failed US public safety policy is that police and prisons have become “too big to fail.” They are the country’s biggest, best-paying public jobs programs. We need to shift these jobs to supportive community health and safety systems.

idk who ya’ll seen at 30 that got you shook like this but you need to relax & find a better role model cause it really dont work that way😭😭

Being scared of being washed up at 30 is exactly how you end up washed up at 30.

A reminder, conservatives aren't choosing which queers to cull and which to spare. They're just going piece by piece. They want us *all* gone in the end.


we’re going to look back at how we designed the world around computers with the same regret that we look at how we’ve designed cities around cars…

Between this and Walgreens preemptively halting the sale of abortion pills and so many other examples we can clearly see that the idea of “woke corporations” is just a silly lie. Sometimes they’ll pander to liberal consumers, but they’ll never risk profits to fight the right.

The western bias against Japanese games is prominent but still smaller part of a greater problem; the majority of curation in the medium is done by pseuds who will recoil in terror at anything vaguely unfamiliar, much less anything that makes them feel uncomfortable in any way.

@turtlekiosk lol also it’s struggles are very directly attributable to the ethnonationalism and anti feminism

i love this fantasy world where right wingers think japan is doing super well and has great prospects for the future

@ProfNoahGian Yes, they went from creating a speculative market to increase the value of a PNG to the opposite, creating mass image creation algorithms to devalue the images themselves.

The tech hype cycle in a nutshell:

2021: Wow NFTs, we can finally assign ownership and value to computer images so they're no longer free!

2022: Wow AI, we can produce an unlimited supply of computer images dropping their value to zero so they're finally free!

If imma keep it a buck most niggas can’t go band for band with a furry even if they tried

watched a furry build a suit wit light up eyes a movable mouth and tail n all for a cool like $20k them niggas be like tony stark wit dat shit

when i found out how much money it took to being a furry i stfu and let them niggas cook cause they obvs know what they’re doing

@kattenbarge Oh shit it’s the 1920’s all over again.

They’re gonna length check our clothes!